Family by Wolfgang Willrich 1938

"Heroism means to totally devote oneself to a great idea, to consume oneself like a torch in the flame of a mighty ideal, to see only one great ideal in sight and in mind and in marching step. Heroism is being stirred, obsessed, fulfilled with a very great task.

Heroism differentiates itself from insanity, fantasy and senseless self-sacrifice.

In every age there have been people who, misled by false doctrines or driven by a hysterical disposition, were devoted to senseless and ineffective idols and fantasies and became pitiful, poor martyrs of life-alien religious teachings.

Genuine heroism lives in reality and reckons with reality. Genuine heroism is supported by the natural laws of life and grows from the infinitely deep soil of folk, homeland and family. Only in the framework of this divine order of creation can a genuine heroism exist.

But often heroism grows in all quietness and seclusion. Heroic women and mothers, heroic soldiers and heroic workers are at work by the thousands in large cities and small villages, on all life's battlegrounds and in all the folk's workplaces."

-Anton Holzner, Eternal Front

Wolfgang Willrich: Familienbildniss (‘Family’). Depicted in Westermanns Monatshefte, 1939, and in Velhagen & Klasings Monatshefte, 1939. Displayed at the GDK (Die Große Deutsche Kunstausstellung) 1938, room 33. Wolgang Willrich send this work ‘Familienbildniss’ also to the 1938 Rosenberg Exhibition ‘Das Familienbild’.



Eternal Front by Anton Holzner


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