The seven Magyar military leaders from the Hungarian Chronicon Pictum of 1360

"Vsubuu and Veluc, the envoys of Duke Árpád, hastened speedily to their lord and, upon arrival, reported to their lord, Duke Árpád, the message of Menumorout. Upon hearing this, Duke Árpád and his nobles were moved by anger and they immediately ordered an army to be sent against him. Then they decided that Tosu, father of Lelu, and Zobolsu, son of Eleud, from whom the Saak kindred descends, and Tuhutum, father of Horka, grandfather of Geula and Zumbor, from whom the Moglout kindred descends, should go. Taking leave of Duke Árpád, they set forth with no small army and swam unopposed across the Tisza at the harbour of Ladeus [in portu Ladeo].

On the second day, they began to ride along the Tisza towards the Szamos river and they pitched camp at that place where is now Zobolsu, and at that place almost all the inhabitants of the land subordinated themselves of their own will and, throwing themselves at their feet, gave their sons as hostages lest they should suffer any harm. For almost all the peoples feared them and only a few managed by flight to escape them and, coming to Menumorout, they announced what they had done. Having heard this, so great a fear overwhelmed Menumorout that he did not dare raise his hand, because all the inhabitants feared them more than can be said, because they had heard that Duke Álmos, father of Árpád, was descended of the line of King Attila, on account of which none believed they could survive except by the grace of Árpád, son of Duke Álmos, and his noblemen, on account of which very many of their own accord submitted to them."

-The Gesta Hungarorum of Anonymus, the Anonymous Notary of King Béla. Translated by Martyn Rady.




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