Arrival of Rurik to Ladoga by Viktor Vasnetsov (1848-1926)

"The Povest' preserves the tradition that the Slavic tribes of Northern Russia, in common with their Finnish neighhors, were for some time tributary to the "Varangians from beyond the sea." Stirred to revolt by the exactions of the latter the Slavs eventually rebelled, but were unable, according to the Povest' to arrive at any satisfactory inter-tribal understanding. To escape from the resulting confusion, the Povest' thus reports that they sent overseas "to the Varangian Russes," saying, "Our land is great and rich, but there is no order in it; come and rule and have dominion over us." This invitation was accepted by Rurik and his brethren, each of whom assumed control over a north-Russian centre, with Rurik himself at Novgorod, Sineus at Beloozero, and Truvor at lzborsk. Such, in its simplest terms, is the narrative of the "calling of the princes".

-The Russian Primary Chronicle. Laurentian Text. Translated and edited by Samuel Hazzard Cross and Olgerd P. Sherbowitz-Wetzor


"In the year 6362 (854) (...) And the Slovenes and Krivitsi and Merya and Chud rose against the Varangians and expelled them beyond the sea; and they began to rule themselves and set up cities. And they arose to fight with themselves, and there was great strife and discord between them, and they rose up city upon city, and there was no righteousness among them. And they resolved to themselves: "Let us look for a prince who would rule over us and reward us according to our rights." They went over the sea to the Varangians and said: "Our land is great and plenty, but we have no order; so come to us to reign and rule us".

-Novgorod First Chronicle


The Arab historian, al-Masudi, gives a similar description: "The Saqāliba [Slavs] are divided into several different peoples who war among themselves". From Ibn Rusta: "The Rūs raid the Saqāliba [Slavs], sailing in their ships until they come upon them. They take them captive and sell them in Khazarān and Bulkār (Bulghār). They have no cultivated fields and they live by pillaging the land of the Saqāliba [Slavs]". The Finns have accurately kept the name Rus [Ruotsi] for the nation of Sweden, from whence the original Germanic Rus came.



Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness
