Minoan Thera Wallpainting Exhibition: Xeste 3 Fresco 17th C. BCE

"The site has yielded some surprising information. Most startling of all is the fact that no human remains have been found at Akrotiri, unlike Pompeii and Herculaneum where the dead were buried in the midst of their daily activities. At Akrotiri, it was obvious that people had begun to do some repair work to their dwellings, probably in response to minor earthquake or volcanic damage. However, before the major eruption at least some of them had the time to pack up their families and most valuable possessions and leave. Huge pottery containers and large household furnishings were abandoned in their haste to depart but it seems clear that most people got away safely, were buried elsewhere or were swept away by the tsunami waves that might have accompanied such a massive eruption."

-taken from historymuseum.ca link below

Minoan Thera Wallpainting Exhibition: Xeste 3 Fresco 17th C. BCE.







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