Arch of Ctesiphon (Taq Kasra), ruins of the old Sassanid capital, 3rd-6th C. CE

"Damn this world, damn this time, damn this fate,
That uncivilized Arabs have come to
Make me a Muslim
Where are your valiant warriors and priests
Where are your hunting parties and your feats?
Where is that warlike mien and where are those
Great armies that destroyed our county's foes?
Count Iran as a ruin, as the lair
Of lions and leopards.
Look now and despair"


Arch of Ctesiphon (Taq Kasra), ruins of the old Sassanid capital, 3rd-6th C. CE. Photo date: 1932. "The second largest single-span vault of unreinforced brickwork in the world after Gavmishan Bridge (Gavmishan Bridge was also Sassanid)." 




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