Freyr and Freya by Donn P. Crane (1878-1944)

"Njördr in Nóatún begot afterward two children: the son was called Freyr, and the daughter Freyja; they were fair of face and mighty. Freyr is the most renowned of the Æsir; he rules over the rain and the shining of the sun, and therewithal the fruit of the earth; and it is good to call on him for fruitful seasons and peace. He governs also the prosperity of men. But Freyja is the most renowned of the Goddesses; she has in heaven the dwelling called Fólkvangr, and wheresoever she rides to the strife, she has one-half of the kill, and Odin half, as is here said:

Fólkvangr 't is called, | where Freyja rules
    Degrees of seats in the hall;
Half the kill | she keepeth each day,
    And half Odin hath."

  -Gylfaginning, Section XXIV

Freyr and Freya by Donn P. Crane (1878-1944).



