Odin as Hnikar by Emil Doepler 1905

"King Hialprek collected a fleet to enable Sigurd to avenge his father. They encountered a great storm, and were driven past a certain promontory. A man was standing on the cliff who said:

«Who ride yonder,
on Revils horses,
the towering billows,
the roaring main:
the sail-steeds are
with sweat bedewed,
the wave-coursers
will not the wind withstand.»

«Here am Sigurd
and I in sea-trees;
a fair wind is given us
for death itself:
higher than our prows
the steep waves dash,
the rolling horses plunge.
Who is it that inquires?»

«They called me Hnicar,
when I Hugin gladdened,
young Volsung!
And battles fought.
Now they mayest
call me, the ancient of the rock,
Feng, or Fiolni.
I desire a passage.»"

They turn to the land, the old man goes on board, and the storm abates. Sigurd said:

«Tell me, Hnicar!
Since thou knowest the omens
both of Gods and men,
which omens are the best
if to fight 'tis needful
at the swing of glaves?»

-Poetic Edda/Reginsmál, Stanzas 15-19

Emil Doepler illustration from Walhall: Die Götterwelt der Germanen (The Gods of the Teutons) 1905.








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