Thor and Loki cross the Vimur River by Emil Doepler 1905

"On his way Thor visited the giantess whose name is Grid. She was the mother of Vidar the Silent. She told Thor the truth concerning Geirrod, that he was a dog-wise and dangerous giant; and she lent him her own belt of strength and steel gloves, and her staff, which is called Gridarvol. Then went Thor to the river which is called Vimer, and which is the largest of all rivers. He buckled on the belt of strength and stemmed the wild torrent with Gridarvol, but Loke held himself fast in Megingjard (Grid's belt, worn by Thor). When Thor had come into the middle of the stream, the river waxed so greatly that the waves dashed over his shoulders. The quoth Thor:

    Wax not Vimer,
    Since I intend to wade
    To the gards of giants.
    Know, if you wax,
    Then waxes my Asa-might
    As high as the heavens."

-Prose Edda/Skáldskaparmál

Emil Doepler illustration from Walhall: Die Götterwelt der Germanen (The Gods of the Teutons) 1905




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