Rout of the Germans after the battle of Tolbiac by Evariste Vital Luminais 1821-1896

"496 - 505: The Franks conquer the Alemanni at the Battle of Tolbiac in 496, although the victory is a narrow one. An Alemannic uprising in 505 is defeated and the kingdom is drawn directly within the Frankish kingdom. Any independence the Alemanni may have enjoyed after 496 is now lost. The region comes to be known by the less tribal and more formal name of Alemannia.

These events probably cause some Alemanni to drift south-eastwards where they form part of the Bavarii confederation. Back at home, the hilltop settlements of the Alemannic nobility are abandoned and their cemeteries fall into disuse. At the same time, strategically situated settlements of Frankish warriors and their entourages emerge in the sixth and seventh centuries. These Frankish officials also include warrior groups of Thuringian origin that became Frankish subjects after the defeat of Thuringia in 531.

511 - 536: After 511 the Alemanni territory falls under the command of Austrasia. Local rulers are appointed, probably of Alemannic stock, although not necessarily related to any of the former chiefs, and Christianity is slowly introduced during the course of the next century or so. Details about the local rulers are very sketchy, sometimes not even providing names."

-taken from

Rout of the Germans after the battle of Tolbiac by Evariste Vital Luminais 1821-1896. Musée d'Arts de Nantes.




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