Genetics of the Xiongnu and the Eurasian Steppe

"By the mid-first millennium BCE, the previous MLBA (Middle/Late Bronze Age) cultures were in decline, and Early Iron Age cultures emerged: the Slab Grave culture (ca. 1000–300 BCE) of eastern/southern Mongolia, whose burials sometimes incorporate uprooted materials from DSKC (Deer Stone-Khirigsuur Complex) monuments (Fitzhugh, 2009; Honeychurch, 2015; Tsybiktarov, 2003; Volkov, 2002), and the Sagly/Uyuk culture (ca. 500–200 BCE) of the Sayan mountains to the northwest (also known as the Sagly-Bazhy culture, or Chandman culture in Mongolia), who had strong cultural ties to the Pazyryk (ca. 500–200 BCE) and Saka (ca. 900–200 BCE) cultures of the Altai and eastern Kazakhstan (Savinov, 2002; Tseveendorj, 2007).

Pastoralism in Mongolia is often assumed to have been introduced by the eastward expansion of Western Steppe cultures (e.g., Afanasievo) via either the Upper Yenisei and Sayan mountain region to the northwest of Mongolia or through the Altai mountains in the west (Janz et al., 2017). Although the majority of Afanasievo burials reported to date are located in the Altai mountains and Upper Yenisei regions, the Early Bronze Age (EBA) site of Shatar Chuluu in the southern Khangai Mountains of central Mongolia has yielded Afanasievo-style graves with proteomic evidence of ruminant milk consumption (Wilkin et al., 2020a) and a western Eurasian mitochondrial haplogroup (Rogers et al., 2020). Analyzing two of these individuals (Afanasievo_Mongolia, 3112–2917 cal. BCE), we find that their genetic profiles are indistinguishable from that of published Afanasievo individuals from the Yenisei region (Allentoft et al., 2015; Narasimhan et al., 2019) (Figure 2; Figure S5C; Table S5B), and thus these two Afanasievo individuals confirm that the EBA expansion of Western Steppe herders (WSH) extended a further 1,500 km eastward beyond the Altai into the heart of central Mongolia (Figure 3A).

During the MLBA (1900–900 BCE), as grasslands expanded in response to climate change, new pastoralist cultures expanded out of inner-montane regions and across the Eastern Steppe (Kindstedt and Ser-Od, 2019). This period is also notable for the first regional evidence of horse milking (ca. 1200 BCE; Wilkin et al., 2020a), which is today exclusively associated with alcohol (airag) production (Bat-Oyun et al., 2015), and a dramatic intensification of horse use, including the emergence of mounted horseback riding, which would have substantially extended the accessibility of remote regions of the steppe. In the Altai-Sayan region, dairy pastoralists associated with DSKC and other unclassified MLBA burial types (Altai_MLBA, n = 7) show clear genetic evidence of admixture between a Khövsgöl_LBA-related ancestry and a Sintashta-related WSH ancestry (Figure 3B; Figure S4B). Overall, they form an “Altai_MLBA” cline on PCA between Western Steppe groups and the Baikal_EBA/Khövsgöl_LBA cluster (Figure 2), with their position varying on PC1 according to their level of Western ancestry (Table S5C).

This is the first appearance on the Eastern Steppe of a Sintashta-like ancestry (frequently referred to as “steppe_MLBA” in previous studies), which is distinct from prior Western ancestries present in the Afanasievo and Chemurchek populations and instead shows a close affinity to European Corded-Ware populations and later Andronovo-associated groups, such as the Sintashta (Allentoft et al., 2015).

Because the Sintashta culture (ca. 2200–1700 BCE) is associated with novel transportation technologies, such as horse-drawn chariots (Anthony, 2010), the appearance of this ancestry profile on the Eastern Steppe suggests that heightened mobility capabilities played an important role in linking diverse populations across the Eurasian Steppe (Honeychurch, 2015).

The populations making up the heterogeneous Altai MLBA cline left descendants in the Altai-Sayan region, who we later identify at the Sagly/Uyuk site of Chandman Mountain (“Chandman_IA,” ca. 400–200 BCE) in northwestern Mongolia during the Early Iron Age (EIA). Nine Chandman_IA individuals form a tight cluster on PCA at the end of the previous Altai_MLBA cline away from Khövsgöl_LBA cluster (Figure 2). During the EIA, the Sagly/Uyuk were pastoralists and millet agropastoralists largely centered in the Upper Yenisei region of present-day Tuva. Together with the Pazyryk of the Altai and the Saka of eastern Kazakhstan, they formed part of a broader Scythian cultural phenomenon that stretched across the Western Steppe, Tarim Basin, and Upper Yenesei (Parzinger, 2006).

We find that EIA Scythian populations systematically deviate from the earlier Altai MLBA cline, requiring a third ancestral component (Figures 3C and 4A; FigureS4C). The appearance of this ancestry, related to populations of Central Asia (Caucasus/Iranian Plateau/Transoxiana regions) including BMAC (Bactria–Margiana Archaeological Complex) (Narasimhan et al., 2019), is clearly detected in the Iron Age groups such as Central Saka, TianShan Saka, Tagar (Damgaard et al., 2018b), and Chandman_IA, while absent in the earlier DSKC and Karasuk groups (Tables S5C–S5E). This third component makes up 6%–24% of the ancestry in these Iron Age groups, and the date of admixture in Chandman_IA is estimated at ∼18 ± 4 generations earlier, ca. 750 BCE, which postdates the collapse of the BMAC ca. 1600 BCE and slightly predates the formation of the Persian Achaemenid empire ca. 550 BCE (Figure S6). We suggest that this Iranian-related genetic influx was mediated by increased contact and mixture with agropastoralist populations in the region of Transoxiana (Turan) and Fergana during the LBA to EIA transition. The widespread emergence of horseback riding during the late second and early first millennium BCE (Drews, 2004), and the increasing sophistication of horse transport thereafter, likely contributed to increased population contact and the dissemination of this Iranian-related ancestry onto the steppe. Our results do not exclude additional spheres of contact, such as increased mobility along the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor, which could have also introduced this ancestry into the Altai via Xinjiang starting in the Bronze Age (Frachetti, 2012).

In contrast to the MLBA and EIA cultures of the Altai and northern Mongolia, different burial traditions are found in the eastern and southern regions of Mongolia (Honeychurch, 2015), notably the LBA Ulaanzuukh (1450–1150 BCE) and EIA Slab Grave (1000–300 BCE) cultures. In contrast to other contemporaneous Eastern Steppe populations, we find that individuals associated with these burial types show a clear northeastern Asian (ANA-related) genetic profile lacking both ANE and WSH admixture (Figures 2, 3C, and 4).

Overall, our findings reveal a strong east-west genetic division among Bronze Age Eastern Steppe populations through the end of the Early Iron Age.

The Xiongnu Empire, the Rise of the First Imperial Steppe Polity:

Arising from the prehistoric populations of the Eastern Steppe, large-scale polities began to develop during the late first millennium BCE. The Xiongnu was the first historically documented empire founded by pastoralists, and its establishment is considered a watershed event in the sociopolitical history of the Eastern Steppe (Brosseder and Miller, 2011; Honeychurch, 2015). The Xiongnu held political dominance in East and Central Asia from the third century BCE through the first century CE.

We observe two distinct demographic processes that contributed to the formation of the early Xiongnu. First, half of the early individuals (n = 6) form a genetic cluster (earlyXiongnu_west) resembling that of Chandman_IA of the preceding Sagly/Uyuk culture from the Altai-Sayan region (Figure 2). They derive 92% of their ancestry from Chandman_IA with the remainder attributed to additional Iranian-related ancestry, which we model using BMAC as a proxy (Figures 3D and 4D; Table S5F). This suggests that the low-level Iranian-related gene flow identified among the Chandman_IA Sagly/Uyuk during the EIA likely continued during the second half of the first millennium BCE, spreading across western and northern Mongolia. Second, six individuals (“earlyXiongnu_rest”) fall intermediate between the earlyXiongnu_west and Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave clusters; four carry varying degrees of earlyXiongnu_west (39%–75%) and Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave (25%–61%) related ancestry, and two (SKT004, JAG001) are indistinguishable from the Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave cluster (Figure 3D; Tables S5F and S5G). This genetic cline linking the earlyXiongnu_west and Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave gene pools signifies the unification of two deeply diverged and distinct lineages on the Eastern Steppe—between the descendants of the DSKC, Mönkhkhairkhan, and Sagly/Uyuk cultures in the west and the descendants of the Ulaanzuukh and Slab Grave cultures in the east. 

Among late Xiongnu individuals, we find even higher genetic heterogeneity (Figure 2), and their distribution on PC indicates that the two demographic processes evident among the early Xiongnu continued into the late Xiongnu period, but with the addition of new waves and complex directions of gene flow. Of the 47 late Xiongnu individuals, half (n = 26) can be adequately modeled by the same admixture processes seen among the early Xiongnu: 22 as a mixture of Chandman_IA+Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave, 2 (NAI002, TUK002) as a mixture of either Chandman_IA+BMAC or Chandman_IA+Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave+BMAC, and 2 (TUK003, TAK001) as a mixture of either earlyXiongnu_west+Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave or earlyXiongnu_west+Khovsgol_LBA (Figures 3D and 4D; Table S5G). A further two individuals (TEV002, BUR001) also likely derive their ancestry from the early Xiongnu gene pool, although the p value of their models is slightly lower than the 0.05 threshold (Table S5G). However, a further 11 late Xiongnu with the highest proportions of western Eurasian affinity along PC1 cannot be modeled using BMAC or any other ancient Iranian-related population. Instead, they fall on a cluster of ancient Sarmatians from various locations in the Western and Central Steppe (Figure 2).

Admixture modeling confirms the presence of a Sarmatian-related gene pool among the late Xiongnu: three individuals (UGU010, TMI001, BUR003) are indistinguishable from Sarmatian, two individuals (DUU001, BUR002) are admixed between Sarmatian and BMAC, three individuals (UGU005, UGU006, BRL002) are admixed between Sarmatian and Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave, and three individuals (NAI001, BUR004, HUD001) require Sarmatian, BMAC, and Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave (Figure 3D; Figure S4D; Table S5G). In addition, eight individuals with the highest eastern Eurasian affinity along PC1 are distinct from both the Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave and Khövsgöl_LBA genetic profiles, showing affinity along PC2 toward present-day people from East Asia further to the south (Figure 2). Six of these individuals (EME002, ATS001, BAM001, SON001, TUH001, YUR001) are adequately modeled as a mixture of Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave and Han (Tables S5F and S5G), and YUR001 in particular exhibits a close genetic similarity to two previously published Han empire soldiers (Damgaard et al., 2018b), whose genetic profile we refer to as “Han_2000BP” (Table S5G). The remaining two individuals (BRU001, TUH002) are similar but also require the addition of Sarmatian ancestry (Table S5G). The late Xiongnu are thus characterized by two additional demographic processes that distinguish them from the early Xiongnu: gene flow from a new Sarmatian-related Western ancestry source and intensified interaction and mixture with people of the contemporaneous Han empire of China.

After the collapse of the Xiongnu empire ca. 100 CE, a succession of nomadic pastoralist regimes rose and fell over the next several centuries across the politically fragmented Eastern Steppe: Xianbei (ca. 100–250 CE), Rouran (ca. 300–550 CE), Türkic (552–742 CE), and Uyghur (744–840 CE). Although our sample representation for the Early Medieval period is uneven, consisting of 1 unclassified individual dating to the Xianbei or Rouran period (TUK001), 8 individuals from Türkic mortuary contexts, and 13 individuals from Uyghur cemeteries, it is clear that these individuals have genetic profiles that differ from the preceding Xiongnu period, suggesting new sources of gene flow into Mongolia at this time that displace them along PC3 (Figure 2).

Most Uyghur-period individuals exhibit a high but variable degree of west Eurasian ancestry—best modeled as a mixture of Alans, a historic nomadic pastoral group likely descended from the Sarmatians and contemporaries of the Huns (Bachrach, 1973), and an Iranian-related (BMAC-related) ancestry—together with Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave (ANA-related) ancestry (Figure 3E).

Although we find that Mongol-era individuals were diverse, they exhibit a much lower genetic heterogeneity than the Xiongnu-era individuals (Figure 2), and they almost entirely lack the residual ANE-related ancestry (in the form of Chandman_IA and Khövsgöl_LBA) that had been present among the Xiongnu and earlier northern/western MLBA cultures. On average, Mongol-period individuals have a much higher eastern Eurasian affinity than previous empires, and this period marks the beginning of the formation of the modern Mongolian gene pool. Consistent with their PCA location (Figure 2), Mongol-era individuals as a group can be modeled with only 15%–18% Western Steppe ancestry (Alan or Sarmatian) but require 55%–64% Ulaanzuukh_SlabGrave and 21%–27% of Han-related ancestry (Table S5I)."

-A Dynamic 6,000-Year Genetic History of Eurasia’s Eastern Steppe. Jeong, Wang, Wilkin, Erdene, Hendy, Warinner, et al. Volume 183, Issue 4, P890-904.E29, November 12, 2020.



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