Attila and his army marching to Paris by Jules-Elie Delaunay, 19th C. CE

"The Roman historian Jordanes, quoting the work of the historian Priscus, gave the story of its origin:

"When a certain shepherd beheld one heifer of his flock limping and could find no cause for this wound, he anxiously followed the trail of blood and at length came to a sword it had unwittingly trampled while nibbling the grass. He dug it up and took it straight to Attila. He rejoiced at this gift and, being ambitious, thought he had been appointed ruler of the whole world, and that through the sword of Mars supremacy in all wars was assured to him."

-taken from Wikipedia & Jordanes' Getica

19th-century fresco of "Attila and his army marching to Paris", located in the French Pantheon. Painted by Jules-Elie Delaunay. Mary Evans Picture Library / EAST NEWS.




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