Artume, the Etruscan Artemis/Diana, 2nd C. BCE

"The toponym of the Zambra creek, according  to Rilli (1964), might have an Etruscan origin and could mean “river of the dead”. The toponym “Artimino” of the city is linked to the name of the Etruscan Goddess Aritimi. For the town, the name should mean “temple of Aritimi”(Pittau, 2006).  Aritimi was Artemis for the Greeks and Diana for the Romans. The Goddess is considered the founder of the Etruscan town Aritie, the modern Arezzo. Aritimi (also Artume, Artames, or  Artumes) was associated with night, Moon, death, nature, woods and fertility. This links the burial  rituals to the worship of Aritimi in northern Etruria."

-taken from maajournal link below

Artume, the Etruscan Artemis/Diana, 2nd C. BCE.



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