Gunnlaugr Ormstunga before Earl Erik Haakonsson by Andreas Bloch 1898

"It is told of Gunnlaug that he was quick of growth in his early youth, big, and strong; his hair was light red, and very goodly of fashion; he was dark-eyed, somewhat ugly-nosed, yet of lovesome countenance; thin of flank he was, and broad of shoulder, and the best-wrought of men; his whole mind was very masterful; eager was he from his youth up, and in all wise unsparing and hardy; he was a great skald, but somewhat bitter in his rhyming, and therefore was he called Gunnlaug Worm-tongue."

-Gunnlaugs saga, Chapter 4

Illustration to Gunnlaugs saga. Gunnlaugr ormstunga walks before Lord Eiríkr Hákonarson with a boil on his foot declaring "Why go halt while both legs are long alike?". Photographed from Vore fædres liv : karakterer og skildringer fra sagatiden / samlet og udggivet af Nordahl Rolfsen ; oversættelsen ved Gerhard Gran., Kristiania:Stenersen, 1898; page 101. (Note that the 1888 first edition does not include the illustrations.).





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