The Temple of Bacchus at Heliopolis/Baalbek 2nd-3rd C. CE

"Its entire structure is of fine white marble to which time has imparted a rich brown tone. Part of the peristyle is standing and the walls of the cella are wonderfully preserved. The columns of the peristyle are made in five sections each, they are 60 feet high and 5 feet in diameter; they support a fine entablature and the distance between the columns and the walls of the cella is 10 feet, and that space of 10 feet is bridged above by great blocks of stone reaching across the architrave to the wall and forming a vaulted ceiling exquisitely carved. In hexagonal spaces placed at intervals on this ceiling are portraits of all the Gods and of their numerous progeny and with their emblems, reaching all around the building and looking down upon us from the ceiling, the carved decoration of which is altogether exquisite and wonderful."

-taken from Penn.Museum link below

The Temple of Bacchus at Baalbek 2nd-3rd C. CE. Commissioned by Roman Emperor, Antoninus Pius 138-161 CE.

Cleopatra VII and hexagram design. (Ceiling sculpture).

Cleopatra VII and hexagram design. (Ceiling sculpture).

Cleopatra VII and hexagram design. (Ceiling sculpture).

Cleopatra VII and hexagram design. (Ceiling sculpture).

Mark Antony and hexagram design. (Ceiling sculpture).

Goddess Ceres and hexagram design. (Ceiling sculpture).

Goddess Ceres and hexagram design. (Ceiling sculpture).

Unknown, damaged sculpture and hexagram design.

Unknown, damaged sculpture and hexagram design.
Unknown, damaged sculpture and hexagram design.

Unknown figure or deity.




The entrance arch, note the swastika designs of the border. Image via Stanouse link in source section below.

Temple of Bacchus and the town of Baalbek.

Fragments of the ruins of Baalbek.

Entrance arch.

"Temple of Bacchus: (much restored) relief on the lintel (identical to that at the Shrine of Jupiter Baetocece in Syria); (inset) detail of a plate in Pococke's book".

"Temple of Bacchus: reliefs on the lintel and the sides of the portal; this extremely elaborate decoration calls to mind that of Basilica Severiana at Leptis Magna in Libya".

"Temple of Bacchus: one side of the interior of the cella; it shows that the giant or colossal order with pilasters/columns spanning two stories was not unknown in antiquity (this does not mean that Michelangelo "copied" this cella when he designed Palazzo dei Conservatori)".

"Temple of Bacchus: interior of the cella seen from the adytum".

"Temple of Bacchus: (left) mosaic depicting Bacchus from a villa near Baalbek; (right) XIXth century graffiti".

Lintel details of entry arch.

Detail of eagle on entry arch lintel, with what appears to be a caduceus?

A photograph of the eastern entrance of the Temple of Bacchus at Baalbek by Bonfils, misidentified in French as the "Gate of the Temple of Jupiter". Between 1870-1885.



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