Frithjof's first bear by E. Klein 1899

"And now young Frithjof began to go out a-hunting, but not as others go. Indeed not many would have cared to face their first bear unarmed, as he did, trusting not in sword or spear, but only in his own mighty sinews and dauntless spirit. Breast to breast he wrestled with the beast, and choked the breath out of him, safe himself, though not quite scatheless; and forthwith, unheeding the bleeding scratches, he loaded the shaggy monster on his shoulders and took it home straightway, where he laid it, triumphant, at Ingeborg's feet--his manhood's first achievement."

-Frithjof, the viking of Norway: and Roland, the paladin of France by Zénaïde Alexeïevna Ragozin; Chapter I, pages 4-5

Frithjof's first bear by E. Klein 1899.




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