Tannhäuser im Venusberg by Friedrich Stahl and Richard Bong 1892-1893

"To begin with, it is only fair that I explain the subject about which I write hereafter, what it is all about. Know, therefore, that the purpose of this book is to describe the four kinds of spirit-men, namely, the water people, the mountain people, the fire people and the wind people. Included among these four kinds are the giants, the melusines, the Venusberg and what is similar to them. We consider them to be men, although not from Adam, but other creatures, apart from man and all other animals, in spite of the fact that they come among us and children are born from them, although not of their own kind, but of our kind. How things are in relation to us will have to be described in the following order: First, their creation and what they are; second, their country and habitation, where they stay and what their mode of living is; third, how they come to us and let themselves be seen, how they mix and have intercourse with us; fourth, how they perform some miraculous works, such as Melusine, the Venusberg and similar stories; fifth, the birth of the giants and their origin, and also their vanishing and return. It is true that a philosopher must build on the Holy Scriptures and take his arguments from them. But in the Scriptures nothing special is written about these things, what to make of them or how to explore them. There are some remarks about the giants only. Although these things are treated outside the Scriptures, their exploration is justified by the fact that they appear and exist. These things must be explored just like magic, if we are to believe in it—and we do and wish to ascertain its origin."

-Paracelsus. Four Treatises of Theophrastus Von Hohenheim Called Paracelsus (p. 218). Johns Hopkins University Press. Kindle Edition.

Tannhaeuser inside the Venusberg, painting by Friedrich Stahl (1863-1940), woodcut by Richard Bong (1853-1935) from Moderne Kunst (Modern Art), illustrated magazine published by Richard Bong, 1892-1893, Year VII, No 18, Berlin.








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