Agrippina the Younger, mother of Cologne 1st C. CE

"Agrippina the young one. Agrippina, which was born in 15 A.D., is in fact the mother of the famous emperor Nero. In the year 49 A.D., she married her uncle Claudius in order to strengthen her power and to give the possibility to her son to be the emperor’s reign. She herself was the first female Roman emperor and decided to found a colony named after her at the place where she was born: Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium.

Agrippina, which was murdered by her son in 59 A.D., is therefore a famous character of the city of Colonia, Cologne, Köln and is present all over the city.

In November, when the people of Cologne will start celebrating Carnival, you will realize that the leaders of the parades and events are always three people: a king, a farmer and a virgin. The character of the virgin is actually supposed to be Agrippina, the protecting mother Colonia, which founded our city. Her crown and her virginity symbolize the impregnableness of Cologne when it was still surrounded by a half circled city wall.

You can find her, as every important personality of the city, at our city hall. You might even discover her during a walk through the city, when you expect her the least."

-taken from Erasmus Student Network, K
öln, link below

Agrippina the Younger - profile, sister of Emperor Caligula, mother of Emperor Nero, wife of Emperor Claudius, Roman bust (marble), 1st century CE, (Ny Carslberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen.).




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