Scathach - unknown date/artist

"When he had sent away his men on the third day, Cuchulaind and Conall and other chariot-chiefs of the men of Ulster were praised before him. He said that it was true, and that the chariot-chiefs performed marvellously, but that were Cuchulaind to go to Domnall the Soldierly in Alba; his skill would be the more marvellous, and if he went to Scathach to learn soldierly feats, he would excel the warriors of all Europe. But it was for this that he proposed it to Cuchulaind, that he might not come back again. For he thought that if Cuchulaind was in her friendship, he would get death thereby, through the wildness and fierceness of the warrior yonder, and [...]. Cuchulaind consented to go, and Forgall bound himself that were he to go in that time, he would give to Cuchulaind whatever he wished."

-The Wooing of Emer

Scathach - unknown date/artist.





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