Juba II of Mauretania 1st C. CE

"There is also an instrument called the triangle, which Juba mentions in the fourth book of his Theatrical History, and says it is an invention of the Syrians; as is also the sambuca, which is called λυροφοίνιξ. But this instrument Neanthes of Cyzicus in the first book of his Seasons, says is an invention of Ibycus of Rhegium, the poet; as also the lyre called barbitos was of Anacreon. But since you are running all us Alexandrians down as unmusical, and keep mentioning the monaulos as our only national instrument, listen now to what I can tell you offhand about that.

For Juba, in the before-mentioned treatise, says that the Egyptians call the monaulos an invention of Osiris, just as they say that kind of plagiaulos is, which is called photinx, and that, too, I will presently show you is mentioned by a very illustrious author; for the photinx is the same as the flute, which is a national instrument. But Sophocles, in his Thamyras, speaks of the monaulos, saying -
  For all the tuneful melodies of pipes (πήκτιδες)
  Are lost, the lyre, and monaulos too."

-Athenaeus: The Deipnosophists, Book 4.77-78

Juba II of Mauretania at 50 years old, 1st C. CE. Archeological Museum of Cherchell, Algeria.







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