Coin of Juba II and Cleopatra Selene II, 1st C. BCE

"On the marriage of Cleopatra (daughter of Antonius and Cleopatra) with Juba, King of Numidia

Great bordering regions of the world which the full stream of Nile separates from the black Aethiopians, you have by marriage made your sovereigns common to both, turning Egypt and Libya into one country. May the children of these princes ever again rule with unshaken dominion over both lands."

-Crinagoras of Mytilene, The Greek Anthology 9.235

Coin of Juba II (r. 29 BCE - 23 CE) and Cleopatra Selene II (c. 40 BCE - 5 BCE). Obverse: Diademed Juba II with the legend "Rex Iuba" (Latin, "King Juba"). Reverse: Draped and diademed Cleopatra Selene II with legend "Basilissa Kleopatra" (Greek, "Queen Cleopatra").

Minted in Caesarea, Mauretania, (near modern-day Cherchell, Algeria). Courtesy of Roma Numismatics Ltd., Auction XVIII, 29-09-2019, Lot 516.




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