Sasanian Prince/Hero Holding a Mare 4th-5th C. CE

"The piece is thought to depict a scene in which a prince or an emir modeled in the image of a legendary hero is holding a mare. The scene is very different from scenes of royal hunting shown on many Sasanian silver plates. Iranian mythology and legends are said to have been compiled from around the Sasanian dynasty, but now are mostly lost. However, some stories may be found in the Iranian national epic "Shahnameh," mentioned sometime in the 10th century when the racial consciousness was high in the Islamic period, and from some other sources. Among these stories, there is a story of an important national hero Rostam and his future favorite horse Rakhsh. This kind of silver plate might have been produced in the Sasanian period with the theme most probably taken from old legends of this kind."

-taken from Miho Museum

Parcel gilded silver.

