Seal of a Hun, Mozdako, 5th-6th C. CE

"Oval, garnet intaglio showing a male bust in profile, rising above a feathered design resembling two horizontal wings; inscribed personal name Mozdako in Bactrian in front of the face.

E. Errington: The detail of a bust delineated along the base by a feathered design also occurs on coins of the Alchon Huns. Callieri (in Collon 1997a, p.172) identifies the bust as belonging to the 'so-called Hephthalite group' and dates the seal to the 5th-6th century."

-taken from BritishMuseum

The wings on the bottom of the seal are similar to those on the bottom center of "The so-called Hephthalite Bowl (featuring Alchon and Kidara Huns)".

