Alexander and his generals visit Diogenes by Karl Russ, 1810

"Even there it is said that there are certain holy men, a law unto themselves, who follow a rigid gymnosophy and give all their time to God; they are more frugal than Diogenes since they have no need of a wallet. For they do not store up food, since they have it ever fresh and green from the earth; the flowing rivers give them drink and they have fallen leaves and grassy earth to lie upon. Because of me even those faraway sages shall come to know of Diogenes, and he of them. And I also, like Diogenes, must alter the standard of coinage and stamp foreign states with the impress of Greek government."

-Plutarch, Moralia (On the Fortune of Alexander): Book 1, Chapter 10


Alexander and his generals visit Diogenes by Karl Russ, 1810.


