Clytemnestra by Frederic Leighton 1874

"Clytemnestra: We soon will learn the meaning of the message brought by fire and by the relays and transmission of the flame, and see if it is true or if the flame has come, dreamlike, to seduce our hearts with empty hopes of false delight. I can see a herald coming from the shore with olive sprigs to shade his brows; his cloak of dust, parched sibling of  the mud, proclaims, so far as I can see, he comes with news, no mere kindler of flames in the forest hills, no maker of signals in smoke this man, he will speak out and his words will all the more clearly bid us rejoice - for I will not accept his purpose here is different from this. May his appearance happily confirm the happy news. May any man, who harbours wishes other than these for our city, harvest for himself the fruit of foolishness."

-Aeschylus, Oresteia: lines 489-502

Clytemnestra from the Battlements of Argos Watches for the Beacon Fires Which Are to Announce the Return of Agamemnon, 1874. Leighton House Museum.




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