Minoan Thera Wallpainting Exhibition: Adorants, 17th C. BCE

"The English word bead derives from the Old English noun bede which means a prayer. The oldest image of a string of beads in a religious context and resembling a string of prayer beads is found on the fresco of the "Adorants" (or "Worshipers") at the Xeste 3 building of the prehistoric settlement of Akrotiri, Santorini (Thera,) Greece"

-taken from wikipedia

Xeste 3

"Lustral Basin", North Wall
H: 1.43 / L: 3.91 m

The three elaborately dressed women in this wall-painting appear to be heading towards what scholars have interpreted as an altar/shrine. The ‘shrine’ structure, located on the east wall (not exhibited), shows several large horns from whose tips drip red drops, possibly blood. The women’s rich clothing, fine jewelry, and meticulous grooming indicate the social status and importance of this composition.

The figure on the left is wearing a transparent/diaphanous bodice of the highest quality embroidered with crocus stamens. In her right hand, between her elegant fingers, is a necklace. The figure in the middle is painted in profile, sitting down and holding her injured leg with one hand; the other hand is held to her forehead. The ‘hand to forehead’ gesture finds parallels in Egyptian iconography where it is used to depict lament. The third female figure, the youngest of the three, is clad in a polka-dotted garment, and is shown with a shaved head (blue) and with two long tresses of black hair.

The iconography and youth of the third female figure, as well as the ‘women only’ environment in the wall- painting, have led scholars to the conclusion that this wall-painting represents an initiation ritual of religious significance."

-taken from therafoundation link below

Minoan Thera Wallpainting Exhibition: Adorants, 17th C. BCE.

Looks like prayer beads.

Altar on opposite wall.











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