Minoan Thera Wallpainting Exhibition: Female Figure (House of the Ladies), 17th C. BCE

"House of the Ladies
Room 1, east section, south wall
H: 2.20 / W: 2.05

‘Female figure’ and ‘Female figure with naked breast’
House of the Ladies

Room 1, East section, South wall, H. 2.20 / W. 2.05 m.
Room 1, East section, North wall, H. 2.25 / W. 1.19 m.

In the eastern section of room 1, two female figures are engaged in an unknown activity, and a third figure is present; however, only a small portion of the figure’s skirt and forearm remain. This wall-painting is in poor condition and once extended along the northern and southern walls, possibly also covering the eastern wall.

Both the women depicted have long black hair and a characteristic red streak on their cheeks. The figure on the south wall is wearing a short-sleeved bodice and a skirt; her left arm is raised in front of her. The figure on the north wall is bending down, with her left arm outstretched, exposing her breast.

A few wall-painting fragments were found on the eastern wall. The surviving image depicts part of a skirt and forearm, providing evidence of a third figure, possibly seated.

The most popular interpretation of this wall-painting suggests a religious significance. The third/missing woman may have been a ‘priestess’ towards whom the other two women are moving. An alternative interpretation is that this wall-painting celebrates an important event in the life of the third, missing figure."

-taken from therafoundation link below

Minoan Thera Wallpainting Exhibition: Female Figure (House of the Ladies), 17th C. BCE.









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