Statuette's head of Isis-Demeter 200-250 CE

"On this lake they enact by night the story of the God's sufferings, a rite which the Egyptians call the Mysteries. I could speak more exactly of these matters, for I know the truth, but I will hold my peace; nor will I say aught concerning that rite of Demeter which the Greeks call Thesmophoria, saving such part of it as I am not forbidden to mention. It was the daughters of Danaus who brought this rite out of Egypt and taught it to the Pelasgian women; afterwards, when the people of Peloponnesus were driven out by the Dorians, it was lost, except in so far as it was preserved by the Arcadians alone, the Peloponnesian nation that was not driven out but left in its home."

-Herodotus, Book 2: Chapters 99‑182

Statuette's head of Isis-Demeter 200-250 CE.


Images taken from an auction site.



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