Minoan Thera Wallpainting Exhibition: Rosettes, 17th C. BCE

"Xeste 3,

Room 9, second floor
H: 1.91 / W: 2.52 m

This purely decorative wall-painting in high-relief is unique to Akrotiri.

Double undulating relief bands pass through painted rings, forming a network of lozenges (rhombuses), each enclosing four rosettes. This motif is one of the most beautiful and artistically unique non-figurative art forms found in Akrotiri.

The bas-relief details and the plasticity of molding require a high degree of precision and accurate reproducibility, making this wall-painting aesthetically and technically very developed."

-taken from therafoundation link below

Minoan Thera Wallpainting Exhibition: Rosettes, 17th C. BCE.




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