Attila the Hun statue in Gyenesdiás, unknown artist

"After the departure of Bigilas, who returned to the Empire (nominally to find the deserters whose restoration Attila demanded, but really to get the money for his fellow-conspirator Edecon), we remained one day in that place, and then set out with Attila for the northern parts of the country. We accompanied the barbarian for a time, but when we reached a certain point took another route by the command of the Scythians who conducted us, as Attila was proceeding to a village where he intended to marry the daughter of Eskam, though he had many other wives, for the Scythians practise polygamy."

-Priscus, fr. 8 in Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum

Attila the Hun statue in Gyenesdiás, unknown artist.




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