Alexander as Kosmokrator, unknown date

"Alexander captured Babylon, and the kingdom of Persia came to an end, after lasting for 246 years, from the first year of Cyrus up until the present 6th year of Dareius the son of Arsames. This kingdom was like a statue, whose hands and chest and arms were made of silver.

Alexander founded 12 cities, which were called as follows:

    Alexandria by the Pentapolis, previously called Chettus, the port of Memphis
    Alexandria in Egypt
    Alexandria by the (?) Harpasus
    Alexandria Cabiosa
    Alexandria, also called Scythia, in (?) Aegaei
    Alexandria by Porus
    Alexandria on the river Cypris
    Alexandria in the Troad
    Alexandria in Babylonia
    Alexandria in (?) the Mesasgages
    Alexandria in Persia
    Alexandria Casus

When he was 32 years old, Alexander was poisoned and died at Babylon."

-The Chronicon Paschale, Page 420A

Alexander as Kosmokrator, unknown date.





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