Minoan Thera Wallpainting Exhibition: Minitature Frieze "Flotilla", 17th C. BCE

"The West House
Room 5, south wall
H: 0.43 / L: 3.90

This southern section is thought to represent the last and final voyage in the adventures of the Theran fleet. To the left is the town from which the fleet departed and to the right of the Frieze is what is thought to be Akrotiri, the fleet’s homeport.

The Flotilla is comprised of seven large ships moving in two parallel rows, one above the other. However, only one is seen in full sail. Captains, passengers, and rowers are meticulously depicted in the lead vessel. The captain, whose head is barely visible, sits within the Ikria, a light box-like hide and wood construction, positioned at the stern of each vessel. The figures within these vessels sit formally, as if they are ready to formally receive a gathering of people on the coast of the hometown.

It is important to note that various animals and floral motifs decorate the bowsprit and masts of the vessels. A possible interpretation is that each symbol, image, or combination thereof might represent a form of heraldry distinct to the captains who were part of this expedition. This decorative vocabulary is particularly pronounced on the vessel that is fourth from the left; here the columns of the Ikria terminate in beautifully shaped lilies, while flowers, pearls, and butterflies adorn the hull and rigging."

-taken from therafoundation link below

Couldn't find a large image of the entire thing, so any higher res details I could find are below.













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