Heroes of the Trojan War by Peter Connolly

"Stop. Please. Listen to Nestor. You are both younger than I, and in my time I struck up with better men than you, even you, but never once did they make light of me. I've never seen such men, I never will again...men like Pirithous, Dryas, that fine captain, Caeneus and Exadius, and Polyphemus, royal prince, and Theseus, Aegeus' boy, a match for the immortals. They were the strongest mortals ever bred on earth, the strongest, and they fought against the strongest too, shaggy Centaurs, wild brutes of the mountains--they hacked them down, terrible, deadly work. And I was in their ranks, fresh out of Pylos, far away from home..."

-Homer, The Iliad: Book 1







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