The old nurse Eurycleia tends to Odysseus by Peter Connolly

"When they had done this they washed their hands and feet and went back into the house, for all was now over; and Ulysses said to the dear old nurse Euryclea, "Bring me sulphur, which cleanses all pollution, and fetch fire also that I may burn it, and purify the cloisters. Go, moreover, and tell Penelope to come here with her attendants, and also all the maid servants that are in the house."  

"All that you have said is true," answered Euryclea, "but let me bring you some clean clothes- a shirt and cloak. Do not keep these rags on your back any longer. It is not right."

-Homer, The Odyssey: Book 22

The old nurse Eurycleia's body stiffened and she let out a gasp as she felt the jagged scar above Odysseus' knee. - Peter Connolly.





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